Tell us about these books

Are you reading the same books as we hold in the Special Collection or have reviewed on the Blog? To see if the book you are reading is held in the collection download the author list , to see if it has been reviewed see the  List of Books Reviewed.

If you are, would you like to send us a review of between 500 to one-thousand words? If you read some our blog-reviews, you will see that generally they have three main topics:

  1. What were this novel’s main themes?
  2. Why was it likely to have been popular or even a best-seller?
  3. Has its appeal lasted? How is it as a reading experience for a contemporary reader?

If you have any queries do contact me, Emeritus Professor Chris Hopkins at this email:

6 thoughts on “Tell us about these books

  1. I am very interested in this project. I am, at present, in the process of writing my PhD thesis on the fiction of Sheila Kaye-Smith and was interested to see that you have two of her early novels in your collection.

    • I have 13 of Sheila’a books and some appeal to me more than others,This blog has slated 2 of her books and has almost put me off reading them.I got them in a job lot online.

  2. Hi Pat, Yes, we do – and it is great to hear that there is a PhD being written on Kaye-Smith! Have you seen the review on the site of Joanna Godden? We’d be very interested in your comments. Perhaps you would like to complete a catalogue form for Starbrace?

  3. Pingback: John Galsworthy and the Forsyte Saga keep turning up in other people’s novels… « Reading 1900-1950

  4. Hello. I am interested to know if your group will consider suggestions for authors to be included? My sugestions would be Lewis Crasssic Gibbon and Oliver Onions.

  5. What a fascinating project! You are absolutely right about the importance of these books in revealing social mores and pre-occupations of the time – one of the main reasons I find reading books of this period so interesting (as well as enjoyable!)

    Have you considered including the boys’ story papers of the period? Coming out weekly they provide minute details on the social history of the early twentieth century.

    There is an article on the Billy Bunter stories of 1908-1914 in this respect on my own blog at Moulders Lane

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